

随着时代的发展,地板的消费从保守传统到时尚新潮,人们对于更新潮,更环保,更经济的地板需求日益增长,SPC地板随之成为近几年来最受全球各大消费者追捧的新产品。FLOORCO 在2018年把SPC防水地板系列引进新西兰市场, 深受广大消费者的喜爱。

SPC防水地板汇集了实木地板,强化地板,和其他vinyl地板(如:PVC,WPC & LVT )的优点, 既有木地板的真实纹理,又有防水耐磨的作用,在新西兰市场已经抢占了强化地板,瓷砖以及其他vinyl的很多部分市场。


  1. 年轻,个性,时尚,富有设计感。

SPC地板富有设计感,满足我们丰富多彩的生活,既可以有木材的纹理质感,又可以设计瓷砖的石纹效果,不仅是价格合理,也是消费者个性化需求的创新产品。FLOORCO 在防水板上,就有25种颜色的选择,供大家选择。

  1. 更安全,更环保,更经济

SPC地板作为一种全新的材料,与木地板相比不需要砍伐森林,对自然生态极为友好,不仅安装简单,并且可以再回收利用,地板中的甲醛的来源主要是胶水,地板安装需要用到胶水,SPC防水地板之所以能够做到零甲醛,是因为它的材质和结构不会用到胶水。ATWOOD的防水板 slip Resistance value 是P3, which means 几乎使用于所有类型的房间,无论是商用还是家用。

  1. 100%防水,可用于厨房和卫生间等空间

SPC之所以受消费者欢迎,重要的一点就是百分百不怕水,非常耐磨耐脏,ATWOOD SPC防水地板底部拥有特殊的静音垫,让地板更有弹性,静音效果更好,家有老人和小孩的家庭,不仅安全更方便清理。

  1. 安装简单 自己也可以完成铺装



As the new favorited of the floor industry,SPC planks is high-quality floor covering made from combines limestone and stabilizers. No matter in terms of waterproofing, wear resistance, and cleaning, it is always favoured by consumers

Atwood SPC-08 has a length of 1220mm, a width of 180mm and a thickness of 6mm. It is not only having a special mute underlay but it also has P3 anti-slip performance, which can withstand the needs of daily life, making the floor more flexible and silent, suitable for all families with the elderly and children.

In terms of colour, this is a brown and smoky of flooring provide classic and deep colour reflects the original taste of nostalgia. The simple and heavy surface gives people a sense of elegance and stability, lookspurer and more natural. The texture of the simulated wood creates a clean and modern appearance with high impact in the spacious room.

This spc-08 is a very versatile floor, easy to match with other colours. The most common match is (as shown in the photo) black and white modern-style cabinets, as well as white walls and modern-style lighting, which are in sharp contrast with the floor, making the space look more natural and modern, reflecting the homeowner fashionable tast

Regarding the applicable area of ​​SPC waterproofing board, Atwood’s SPC can be used anywhere.  In addition to normal areas, such as the living room, dining room, bedroom and kitchen, it can also be safely installed in the bathroom and laundry room.  In addition, it has excellent thermal stability and non-fading properties, which is suitable for room with floor-to-ceiling windows.

For the installation,  this floor is installed using the click-lock system, which is very easy and fast.  Even for consumers who have no installation experience, they can install it themselves and cut with a knife.

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